Last week, we launched the summary of early findings for the Equity in Architecture Survey during the Equity by Design Symposium on October 18th at the San Francisco Art Institute. The theme of the day was threefold: Knowledge, Discussion and Action! So while the early findings may seem "bleak", doing something about it is better than doing nothing. So we have put together a list of 15 actionable ways that you can affect change in varying scales: Small (personal), Medium (your firm), Large (the profession). More suggestions to come, but this list will get you started. Pick 3!
- Look - at the Findings of the Equity in Architecture survey. Knowledge is power and being aware of the potential pinch points in your career is half the challenge.
- Share - the Findings of the Equity in Architecture survey with your networks. Great icebreaker for that "difficult conversation"
- Talk - have a conversation w/ your Principals/Firm Leadership. Use the Survey, What you learned at Equity by Design, or SWE/Arup Diversity and Inclusion Cards as an intro to why Equity is important and everyone's issue. (Talent Retention, Profitability, Satisfaction/Morale, etc)
- Join - or Start a group at your firm for Equity discussions. Include both women and men who support Equitable practice and get people from all levels involved. Have regular meetings discussing different topics surrounding Equity. (Implicit Bias, The Confidence Conundrum, Performance vs. Long Hours, etc)
- Read/Listen/Observe - Knowledge takes time to build up. Read about Equity initiatives, surveys, skill building articles, blog posts from leaders/firms who have succeeded at change or build better practices. Listen to indy Podcasts like Archispeak, Entrepreneur Architect, and The Business of Architecture. Watch webinars like Novedge Google Hangouts on Air "How to succeed in Architecture" Series - "Knowing Your Worth as an Architect" and this amazing video from Google exposing and educating their employees on Implicit Bias.
- Write/Blog - Share your experiences as an Architect: the good, bad, and not so pretty as you embark on your journey in professional development. Submit your blog contributions to TM32PP and we will curate/post on our website.
- Socialize - Build a community of like-minded practitioners and Equity champions in your local area AND via Social Media. Start a sketch club or host a #sketchmob. Start an book/discussion club. Start a Twitter or Facebook, or Linked In Account. If you have these accounts, start using them to connect and share. Start by following some architect Twitter veterans to learn the ropes. You may have stigmas/fears about Social Media, but it is an amazing resource for promoting a cause (like Equity!), sharing resources for skill building AND promoting the visibility and value of Architects.
- Seek - Mentorship/Sponsorship with an equity champion and/or Become a Mentor/Sponsor. You can have multiple mentors/or people you mentor (older and younger) and you can also form peer mentorships. Sponsorship/Champions take more time develop, but the premise is that these people have your back in lobbying for your advancement (and vice versa)
- Negotiate - ask for a Raise at your next performance review. (but, Learn, understand and practice Collaborative Negotiation Skills first!) go in with an empathetic mindset, assess and highlight your accomplishments and how they contribute to the greater good of the practice. Then practice, practice, practice with a colleague/friend in role play before the real deal. Remember, if you don't ask, you don't get. This goes for fees, client contract terms and additional services as well.
- Get Licensed - Join an ARE study group, put together a Licensure plan, and/or get to know the new updated NCARB IDP requirements (get the App to track your hours). If you are license, become a resource/cheerleader for emerging professionals/licensure candidates.
- Attend - A lecture, webinar, lunch & learn, Symposium, Conference, etc. that talks about the issues we have identified in the Equity in Architecture Survey or any skills/tool kit/best practices for overcoming pinch points.
- Organize - an Event! A lecture, webinar, lunch & learn, symposium, conference, etc. (see 11. above) Share best practices and gather a range of viewpoints ( Ie., topics: Taking a leave of Absence/Returning, Architecture And..., Work/life flexibility, Transparent review/promotion criteria, etc.)
- Design - Architecture is a team sport. Be empathetic and open to other viewpoints (from your team, your clients and consultants) in your projects. Support a dialogue and stretch your comfort zone about disagreements and practice negotiation and building consensus. Different viewpoints often lead to better solutions.
- Lead - develop your leadership skills. Start with taking the lead in your own life and hone your skills to act and be acknowledged as a leader at work. Don't wait for a leadership role to be handed to you. Volunteer and gain leadership skills by giving back. It will change the way you think about leadership forever after. Above all, "Be authentic, Be resilient, Be innovative".
- Learn - from others' examples. Observe and share best practices by successful Equity champions in action; both individuals and firms who model the support and structure for retaining and developing talent. Reference Parlour Guides to Equitable Practice, an amazing resource created by our Australian counterparts.