"Why are women leaving Architecture? and "Why is Architecture is loosing its talent?" The problem seems obvious, while the solution remains complex and somewhat elusive like the proverbial elephant in the room.
Last Friday, a colleague and I gave an office presentation of lessons learned from our attendance at the AIA Women's Leadership Summit in Phoenix. It was a refreshing surprise to see many men, including a Principal and Senior Associates, in attendance. While I didn't know what to expect, I was encouraged by the resulting dialogue between men and women on topics ranging from flexible work schedules for caregivers, an increasing need to align project teams with today's diverse Client profile, as well as the lack of Paid Family leave policy in the US compared to other developed nations; key issues at the tip of the iceberg in the rapidly evaporating Architectural talent pool with women leaving at a faster rate than men. Although the outcome of this particular event was very positive and encouraging, it left me wondering.
"Why do we tend to shy away from having these conversations about the issues that matter most and ultimately affect us all?"Read More