EQxDV Session Descriptions

#EQXDV: Voices, Values, Vision

11/3 Session Descriptions and Thought Leaders

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VOICES | Data Presentation and Discussion Panel

To attract and retain the most diverse talent we must hear from those in practice and beyond. This year we will leverage our platform to amplify all voices and create a safe space for everyone, regardless of position or identity, to speak up and be heard. 2018 Equity in Architecture Survey data will focus on individual stories and perceptions. What are the stumbling blocks and stepping stones that shape our diverse experiences in practice?

VOICES | DATA: Equity in Architecture Survey 2018 Findings

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)


VOICES | Breakout A1: Intersectionality and Intercultural Intelligence

This session will be about an evolving mindset of intersectionality and intercultural intelligence in advancing equitable practice. We will explore the theory of intersectionality and understand its importance in disrupting bias and the erasure of complex identities - (ie., mixed race, transgender/gender queer, etc). We will also learn about the theory of intercultural intelligence, which creates a framework for developing understanding, empathy and importance of understanding the complexity of culture in a context beyond race/ethicity. We will shape the session around relevant storytelling of intersectional identities and then have a workshop Role/Play to directly explore how intersectionality and intercultural intelligence can inform equity activism, encourage dialogue, and promote inclusivity.

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VOICES | Breakout A2: Now What?! Advocacy, Activism, and Alliances in American Architecture

Now What?! Advocacy, Activism, and Alliances in American Architecture since 1968 examines the little-known history of architects and designers furthering the civil rights, women's, and LGBTQ movements of the past fifty years. The exhibition content, conversations, and stories will inspire design professionals to see themselves as agents of change by looking at the past to see new ways forward. This panel discussion will 1) explore the impetus behind the exhibition 2) reflect on the legacy of activist architecture exhibitions, and 3) describe the ways the project empowers young activists in the profession by mobilizing its history.

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VOICES | Breakout A3: The Power of Our Stories

In the wake of #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, #TimesUp, and #NeverAgain, we see the power of shared collective experience to foster activism and create a movement. In this workshop we will consider the art of storytelling, both from a nuts-and-bolts structural perspective and in terms of its importance as a catalyst for change. Our stories differentiate us and can impact others. Storytelling is a skill onto itself, and memorable stories underlie activism and inspire action. In the context of career dynamics and pinch points identified in the 2018 EQxD survey findings, we will use the workshop framework to craft and share our stories.

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VOICES | Breakout A4: Building an Equitable Workplace from the Bottom Up

A crucial element of the fight for equity in architecture is the small, day to day efforts of passionate professionals to change their firms, their colleagues, and their careers. We envision this breakout as a 'Yes and’ rap session with experts - attendees are encouraged to bring their ideas for grassroots, incremental action for critique and further development.

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VALUES | Data Presentation and Discussion Panel

Within a broad diversity of identities and experiences, we come together to find the common ground in our core values. This year we will explore how they guide us in choosing our collaborators, shaping our work culture, and cultivating our design leadership to make the most lasting impact within our communities. This session will explore the 2018 Equity in Architecture Survey results through the lens of values. How do our values shape our workplaces, and how does that help or hinder individuals? What can be done to reinforce our values in the workplace?

VALUES | DATA: Equity in Architecture Survey 2018 Findings

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)


Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)


VALUES | Breakout B1: Aligning Workplace Values and Project Outcomes

The goal of this session is to link equitable workplace practice to design justice and environmental justice. We will explore practice models and methods that bring equity to the design process and to project outcomes.  We will hear from individuals who are doing this kind of work in practice and from individuals who are providing tools and skill-building opportunities for those who would like to bring an equitable element to their project work. Attendees will leave with discrete actionable advice, along with resources and inspiration.

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VALUES | Breakout B2: Tactical Implementation

This session will be about workplace culture and its alignment with firm values. The focus will be on articulating firm values and walking the talk. We’re particularly interested this year in how firms can strengthen the individual’s relationship to the firm by acting on stated values and ensuring individual employees feel like they share core values and are supported and treated fairly. The session will be process oriented, focused on helping firm leaders develop a customized action plan for implementing equitable practices that are authentic to their particular values and workplace culture. What is workplace culture? What are organizational values?

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VALUES | Breakout B3: Equity Climate

A key piece of equitable practice is an individual’s perception of their workplace and its equity climate. Equity climate is the sense in an organization that everyone feels included, receives support, and is treated fairly. This session will introduce the concept of equity climate and then ask the following questions: how do you assess it? how do you change it?

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VALUES | Breakout B4: Chart Your Path

From navigating day to day work/life challenges to mapping strategic career goals, charting your professional development, assessing periodically, and correcting your course can increase the likelihood for sustainable career satisfaction and success. During this session attendees will gain insight from architect leaders who have used career mapping tools to navigate goals, options and challenges within their own career trajectory. Working together, participants will map these macro and micro career mapping approaches highlighting connections between individual goals, prioritizing in both personal and professional contexts for realizing a rewarding and positive result.

Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VISION | Panel and Keynote

As we begin to see equitable practice in action in practices of all sizes, we can build on that reality, exploring new types of services, new relationships, new symbiotic models for work culture and life. This year we will look beyond our workplaces and envision how equity in practice can inform our design work, aiding us in creating equitable outcomes, inclusive experiences, and dignified spaces. The Symposium’s closing session will invite thought leaders and attendees to develop a collective vision for next steps. We will discuss things we can do immediately to move towards equity today, and we will formulate a roadmap to guide us in our continuing work.


Thought Leaders (Click for Profiles)

VISION | Closing KEYNOTE - A Call to Action

Thought Leader (Click for Profile)