
The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap

You’ve probably heard that men are paid more than women are paid over their lifetimes. But what does that mean? Are women paid less because they choose lower-paying jobs? Is it because more women work part time than men do? Or is it because women have more caregiving responsibilities? And what, exactly, does gender bias have to do with paychecks?
AAUW’s The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap succinctly addresses these issues by going beyond the widely reported 80 percent statistic. The report explains the pay gap in the United States; how it affects women of all ages, races, and education levels; and what you can do to close it. In 2016, for the fifth anniversary of The Simple Truth, we updated the report with information on disability status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
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How to Achieve Gender Equality

It’s no secret that, on average, women – even those with equivalent education and experience – typically earn less than men. The ratio of the average (mean) earnings of female workers (full- time, full-year, 25 to 69 years old) to that of their male counterparts was 0.72 in 2010. The pay ratio of median earners (those at the 50th percentile) for the same groups was 0.78. But that is not the whole story. 
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The Gender Pay Gap Is Largely Because of Motherhood

When men and women finish school and start working, they’re paid pretty much equally. But a gender pay gap soon appears, and it grows significantly over the next two decades.

So what changes? The answer can be found by looking at when the pay gap widens most sharply. It’s the late 20s to mid-30s, according to two new studies — in other words, when many women have children. Unmarried women without children continue to earn closer to what men do

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The Motherhood Penalty vs. the Fatherhood Bonus (A Child Helps Your Career, if You’re a Man)

by Claire Cain Miller, NY Times September 8, 2014

"The data about the motherhood penalty and the fatherhood bonus present a clear-cut look at American culture’s ambiguous feelings about gender and work. Even in the age of “Lean In,” when women with children run Fortune 500 companies and head the Federal Reserve, traditional notions about fathers as breadwinners and mothers as caregivers remain deeply ingrained. Employers, it seems, have not yet caught up to the fact that women can be both mothers and valuable employees."
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Salary Calculator

The full 2015 AIA Compensation Report has more insights and information, such as compensation for 21 other positions at architectural firms, details on benefits packages, and select state and metro area salaries. Visit for details on how to order the report, either in its entirety, for the metro areas, or by region.

AIA Compensation Report

The biannual AIA Compensation Report gives you access to salary data for 39 architecture firm positions in 27 states, 27 metro areas and 15 cities. You’ll get an exclusive look at industry salary trends and expert analysis on where the market is headed. 
Use the complete national report, the metro area report or one of nine regional reports to understand your value and make good decisions for your career or your business. Special pricing for AIA members.
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Knowing Our Worth: Architecture’s True Value Proposition

By Rosa Sheng

In architecture and the built environment we design, there is a compelling and timeless truth about how our work as architects impacts how people feel. We feel great pride and a sense of ownership of the design and its outcome. And we feel saddened after the project’s completion — when we realize that regardless of our attachment to our creation, that it’s technically not “ours” after all. Unfortunately, we try again and again to recapture the feeling, often times forgetting business sense or valuing our own self-worth.


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